Its importance lies in the guarantee to slow down the deterioration of this heritage, which facilitates the implementation of effective and economic strategies for its conservation.

The proposed method has been validated by the public bodies responsible for the protection of this heritage. The analysis of six cases of study has been included, where a sample of the systematic method based on preventive conservation measures has been detailed in two particular cases: the walls of the Alcazaba Qadīma (Granada) and the walls of La Hoya and Cerro de San Cristóbal (Almeria). To achieve this aim, we have studied their remains during field work, as well as documentation contained in archives, written sources and historiography, focusing on the risks that affect their conservation. Within this context, the aim of this paper is to present the results achieved in the framework of the PREFORTI R&D Project (BIA2015-69938-R) concerning the particular case of these military constructions built in the region of Southeast Al-Andalus (Granada and Almeria, Spain). In the first half of the 12th century, several military works were developed throughout the territories under Almoravid rule, above all after 1126, both in the main towns and the rural areas of the Empire.